Monday, April 21, 2008

From Stage Love Came

[ This story is just a story out of a crazy mind]

"It couldn't have rained any harder," I thought to myself as we entered the theater, my coat forming a waterfall around us in the heavy downpour. The glimmer of the lobby radiated with culture and dignity...and our awe.

Shaking ourselves off and working our way up the carpeted marble stairs, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the most glamorous 'thing' in the building, your red, satin dress. It came that close to matching what I could always see in your eyes. With a sigh of disappointment from you, my eyes shifted...wondering what could have caused it. The sign read "SHOW CANCELED as a result of bad weather blocking transportation of actors."

I let out a similar sigh, but put forward the notion that we at least see the theater that we had been so anxious to be captivated by. Agreeing we walked back downstairs and into the main doors, after having convinced the doorman to let us at least look. It must have been your dress, but I shock that thought off as we walked in.

Wow. Seeing you slowly walk forward into the most beautiful of theaters...stunned me and froze me. To this day, my heart knows the glamour that gold can bring. The chairs were a magnificent royal blue with gold etchings and were something one could disappear into, in terms of comfort. As I sat down in one and gazed towards the stage your were now walking towards, I forgot where I was....

Slowly I began to come terms with the fantasy that was now a reality. Lifting myself off of the golden chair, I walked up to meet up with you on the wide stage. The huge, gold-laced curtains were still down, but much of the open stage was uncovered by them.

Looking down at a notch in one of the center tiles, she asked, "What's this?" as she pointed at it with her shoe. I went on to describe, "The is the center stage mark. If you stand there and speak, the whole audience will hear you with crystal clarity, equally at the front as at the back. 'This from the amphitheaters of ancient Rome."

Her eyebrow raised as she glanced down at the groove with newly found knowledge. I stepped up to her and said, "Hear ye, hear ye." You notice the words don't echo through the hall, but carry all the way to the back. "I love thee." As I smile, I reach out and hold your hands. In a quiet voice, with an equally quiet smile, you whisper, "I love thee too."

In a booming voice that startled us both, "Alright, now that everybody knows you two love each other, I have to ask that the hall be vacated." It was the guard way out on the far side of the theater by the main doors. With a smile of amazement on your brightened face, I grin, then we laugh a little.

As we exit the lobby, the rain continues to pour....

We walked down a couple of blocks under the eavesdrops of the stores and buildings now closed for the night until we reached a street we had to cross. I walked out a bit to press the button, but your grip tightened and then you let go, giving a little shriek of horror as you dashed towards the nearest eavesdrop.

"What? It's just rain," I say gleefully, spreading my arms out as I quickly begin to get soaked. "I don't want to get all wet," said a pouting voice. "Who cares, it's just water. You won't die. Let the water touch your bare skin. Forget makeup, let the rain wash it away." "I'll look horrible!"

With a smile on my face I say, "No. Let the rain wash it away. Be human. There's nothing more beautiful than that!" You start saying something, but I quickly interrupt. "When I saw you walk down the aisle in the theater I didn't know where I was there was so much gold emanating from everything. The chairs, the curtains, the aisle itself, your beautiful dress. All of a sudden I couldn't see you. Glittering gold is not what I see in you. I see something that, although it 'simply exists', nothing could ever compare. And guess what? It's plain, bare to the bone, you." I stop to catch my breath, but only for a moment. "I love you."

I wasn't sure if the rain got heavier or if it just sounded louder in the silence that followed. Looking into my eyes the whole time, you suddenly drop your coat and walk straight towards me. Our lips meet as your arms wrap around me above my shoulders, as mine wrapped around your waist. The rain seemed like it was hitting us...not you and I.

Arriving at our lofty and dimly lit apartment, the dining table was spread with a wide assortment of foods. Small bits of cooked chicken, a wide platter of fruit, cubed vegetables...the works. We sat across from each other of the round, wooden table.

Sitting at our places, we wore nothing more than our bathrobes...loosely done up. As if either of us wanted to stay in those dripping wet, totally soaked clothes that seemed to make our skin crawl with the chill it gave by simply wearing them. Preparing all the food was something of an experience in itself as our bodies had touched every inch with every inch at one point or another. We did everything one.

The fire flickered a little off in the near distance, the lights dimly lit, making the food on the table glow...almost like gold in a way. Reaching ahead of us we put a small variety of things on our plates. With smiles on our faces we begin munching away on our utensils, just finger foods.

Getting into a little contest, we start playing with our food a little, despite previous teachings from 'mom and dad'. Cucumbers become smiles, carrots and beans become walrus teeth...I must admit our creativity greatly surpassed that of any child. Maybe that was due to the fact that part of us still was young, vibrant, and...untamed.

Eating contently I would look up and watch you do the same. My eyes seemed to focus more on your smile as you ate away. Soon, the only thing I could see, my eyes zooming in closer and closer...was your lips....

With the tips of your index finger and thumb, you pull out a bone. Your lips seem to savor every last ounce of flavor the meat on the bone had to offer. I moved the apple that I had just bit into slowly away, my eyes fixated on your lips. As you look up, the very slowly moving apple seems to draw your eyes to my they engulf the chuck of apple. My jaw moves slowly...yet powerfully you think to yourself. As my jaw begins to speed up its chewing, your eyes dart onto something else on your plate.

You grab a peeled orange and your teeth dive into it. I couldn't help but zoom in on the orange. Your lips surrounded your seal around it and as it pulled away, it seemed as though it were your lips that had ravaged the chunk of orange that was now being savored by your savory tongue. Watching the overwhelming power of your lips made me squeeze the small grape I was holding directly onto my chest...the part not covered by the bathrobe. As the juice began to pour down, my index and middle finger scooped down, scraped up the remains of the grape, and put it inside my mouth. My pouting lips put a strong seal around the two fingers as I slowly retract them.

Giving a quick exhale...or what is a high pitched moan?...your hand reaches down, your eyes still glaring into mine, and grab whatever is there. The orange was crushed as you forced it into your mouth, the juice flowing down you as your chest reaches out in response to cold chill...opening your robe a little more. Our breathing becomes erratic as I look down at my plate. Picking up a carrot, I chomped on it once...chewed vigorously...chomped again...chewed vigorously. Placing one tip of the remainder of the carrot between my lips, I suck hard as it quickly enters my mouth...chewing very slowly...savoring the crunches.

Your hand shaking a little, you reach over and pick up your glass of water. Titling your head back a fair bit, the glass follows. The contents of the large glass flow into you, yet most flowed down and around you...around your cheeks...down your neck...and down your chest...standing up slowly. My hand just seemed to dart out in front of me...reaching. Realizing what it had just done I look down and pick up a plum that was just underneath it. Looking at it, I smile, lean back in my chair, and toss it up in the air. My hands stay down as I catch it with my bare a short growl as they catch the plum. The robe had completely uncovered my chest and as I let out the growl, my chest flexed. Seeing me and hearing the growl was all your now throbbing heart could take. You push your chair away, walk over, and bite into the plum with more force than a T-Rex ever could. Your left leg swings over my lap as you rest your hips against my lap. Devouring the plum was the easiest thing I had ever

Your hand grabs the pit and throws it away as you dive back in with even more power than when the plum was there. My lips open and power into yours with more than fiery passion. Pounding like the all the canons of every war, our hearts poured out onto each other. Mercy could not show its face our love was that strong.

Our kissing and breathing intensifies immeasurably as my arms move inwards and pull both sides of your robe quickly away, pulling your arms outward as it drops to the floor. Your hands come back strongly, moving down my heavily breathing chest and onto my back where your nails press firmly against my skin as they drag down. My body moves closer to yours in response to your nails as my arms surround your back and pull you close to me. Our hearts alone, pounding that close to each other, paved the way for what happened next.

Wrapping your legs very tightly around me, your arms bringing my body closer to your face as you start to devour my precious skin, I stand up and walk over to the floor by the fireplace. I kneel down, but you quickly over turn me, my back to the floor. Beginning with my rapidly rising and falling chest, you devor me with you rlips and, in a claw-like fashion, rub your hands down my sides.

Before you could reach my navel, the strength of my arms pull your lips back up to my, my hands resting on your buttocks and moving up to your back, holding you close so we could feel every inch of each other. Entering each other made everything seem that much rawer. The sheer power of you wanting me inside you, of me wanting to be inside you, were directly shown in every thrust, in every kiss, in every touch.

For hours we devoured each other more vividly than cannibals could ever dream. For hours our bodies couldn't stop shaking as our breaths and aching muscles could not keep up with the pleasures. For hours we screamed out each other's names louder than the explosion of 100 nuclear bombs. For hours we broke into each other's soul and totally ravished our very own pleasure. At the end of forever, our bodies were tangled in the sheets together as they capitulated with our wills. Our bodies had, at least once, matched the intensity of the hearts beating inside the both of us.

Gleaming light shone through the small breaks of the drapes upon the rising of the sun. I woke up finding us lying closely, side by side. As I stretched and yawned, your eyes began to flutter as you joined me back in consciousness. I smile as I roll over, almost completely on top of you. My arms wrap around you as I roll onto my back, carrying your body with me so that your body now touched mine in every way as your eyes peered straight into me as mine did yours.

You smile as you begin to rub my chest slowly and gently...random patterns. My arms slowly drop to floor, my heart and body swallowing every sensation your hands were giving.

Feeling a sense of comfort I had never before felt, I said, "Promise me you'll never stop touching me the way you do."

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