Wednesday, May 21, 2008


When I touch you
When I hug you
When I am with you

I feel a fire in your heart
Radiates warm love and peace
Then I prayed in silent
I was not sure what to do

Please keep your fire
Fire that I cannot describe with words
Can I draw it?
Please keep your fire!!

Radiates the heat to the wall of love
Radiates the heat of love to your family
Radiates the warm love to the need
Radiates the fire to the world...please keep your fire!!


Sometimes it's really hard
To get you off my mind
Cause you mean so much to me
I think of you all the time

It's not because you have nice wavy hidden hair
Or because your eyes are brown
It's not because you're cute
But because you are you

You're unusually sweet
And have been good to me
Until just recently

Maybe I could have stopped
Caring for you
Maybe I could have quit
Falling for you

But the feelings I'm having
Aren't wrong or bad
And the thoughts that go through my mind
Can make me so sad

You walked all over my heart
You stepped all over me
Sorry that I bothered you
I only wanted you to see
The absolute nuts loves you so much

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rage of Fire

Sadness, are you with me?
Rage, still with me....

Living in a dismal symphony
Giving me a solemn days
Singing in serenity
Crying in great madness

Rage of fire....

Thursday, May 08, 2008

When I go crazzy

When you are not
close enough to hold
in my arms,
I promise
I will hold you in my heart .....

When you are not
near enough to hear me,
I promise to whisper your name
on the wind

when you are not here to kiss goodnight,
I promise I will kiss you
in my dreams ...

I love you and miss you more than you know ....

Dari sudut mata

Ada yang diseka dari sudut mata.
apa yang membuatmu sedih?

hidup memang begini adanya.

Telah dijalani hari seperti dulu juga.

kita tertawa atau menangis

tak tahu mengapa.

segala senda atau omong kosong.

mengisi kehampaan waktu demi waktu.

membunuh kebosanan.

penantian demi penantian .

penempuhan tak sampai-sampai.

kiranya, banyak yang sukar dimengerti.

mata terbuka tak kunjung membuat jelas nyata.

Apa yang terjadi sesungguhnya?

meraba. meraba. senantiasa.
begitu samar. begitu ragu.